Best Pure Organic Honey From Us
Pure Organic Honey – 100% Natural, Pure, and Unfiltered Indulge in the sweetness of nature with our Best Pure Organic Honey. Sourced from the finest, pesticide-free, and chemical-free fields, our honey is 100% natural and raw. We pride ourselves on offering a product that’s unprocessed and unfiltered, preserving all the natural enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients […]
Emotional Equilibrium in Islamic Psychotherapy
Emotional Equilibrium in Islamic Psychotherapy Emotional Equilibrium in Islamic Psychotherapy: A Case Study Aylin, one of the patients, who has some childhood emotional injury, discussed her mother during the therapy. She recalled specific experiences of rejection, lack of care and affection and how these experiences influenced her affective and cognitive processing. In the current case, […]
The Traditional Islamic Integrative Psychology
The Traditional Islamic Integrative Psychology The Traditional Islamic Integrative Psychology (TIIP) model presents a global and ecological way of analyzing the case. The human psyche is regarded as an integrated process, such that any dysfunction in a specific area tends to affect the whole person. Interventions sometimes are started from the most affected area only […]
Traditional Islamically- Integrated Psychotherapy
Traditional Islamic Integrated Psychotherapy The conventional adaptation of psychotherapy developed specifically for Muslim clients known as Traditional Islamically- Integrated Psychotherapy (TUP). Integrated Psychotherapy of Traditional Islam (TUP) is a model based on conventional Sunni orthodox, pioneered by Keshavarzi and Haque in 2013, and later enhanced by Keshavarzi and Khan in 2018. The principles it embodies […]
How We Improve Our Salah
How We Improve Our Salah آج کا سوال جو بہت سے لوگوں کے ذہنوں میں رہتا ہے ۔ ہمیں نماز میں بہت سوچیں آتی ہیں ایسا کیوں ہوتا ہے ؟ دراصل ہمارے اردگرد جتنے بھی معاملات جن میں ہمارا بھی کوئی کردار ہوتا ہے اور ہماری کوئی ذمے داری ہوتی ہے اس کو لے کر […]
Gratitude Mental Health Consequences of Gratitude The topic can be explained as a relatively straightforward but powerful psychological phenomenon, namely gratitude encompasses focusing on the positive side of life. According to the findings, the practice of gratitude acts as a way of improving psychological wellbeing, as well as, mental health. Appreciation works towards changing a […]
Psychology in the light of Islamic Teachings
Psychology in the light of Islamic Teachings Psychology in the light of Islamic Teachings For ages, Freudian psychoanalytic approaches have been widely in use in a large number of clinical settings. His innumerable contributions to the field of psychology including but not limited to navigating unconscious conflicts and five psychosexual stages have been read by […]
Mindful Salah
Mindful Salah نماز میں دو چیزوں پر کام کریں تو آپ کو اس میں سکون اور لذت ضرور ملے گی۔ کیا آپ نے سوچا ہے کہ ہمارے نبی کریم اور ان کی ازواج یا ان کی صاحبزادی یا تمام اہل بیت صحابیات کا طرز عمل کیا تھا؟ ان سب میں ایک بات مشترک یہ تھی […]
Attachment Style
Attachment Style Here we are going to look at the manners in which different attachment styles work towards the construction of human relations. Attachment styles is a concept that has originated from the theory of attachment put forward by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth and determines the nature of interaction with people throughout life. These […]
Stress Stress: Effects on Mental and Physical Well Being Stress can be a daily part of life explained as the body’s reaction to different pressures or burdens. Stress can again be classified as an acute stress – which is generally considered to be constructive because it creates focus and increases stamina – stress which is […]